Welcome to Accommodation Swap

Here we will give you an overview of how the system works and the conditions for membership
Everything will be explained as you follow the links through to the Registration Form.
After reading through this go to

How it Works Back

The concept

Statistics show that bartering is thriving as a form of commerce. According to recent trade reports there are over 250,000 companies in the United States alone trading over seven billion dollars in goods and services through barter exchanges.

Use what you have and trade with it.This is what Accommodation Swap is all about - it gives YOU the opportunity to barter with what you have.Statistics in the hospitality industry show that for a large section of the year (four to seven months) most establishments have empty rooms.Why not use this down time to your benefit and save on VAT as well.

Please note that Accom Swap is not designed to take care of all your holiday requirements/bookings (especially over the holiday months) it is an addition to that where you can save a huge amount of cash out of season and if you lucky in season as well as many members are prepared to accept bookings right through the year.

This is NOT a "one on one" swap scheme! It is NOT a glorified time share (as you will see you are not purchasing anything apart from paying your annual membership fee). With Accommodation Swap you are able to design your own schedule and utilize the credits as best fits your needs by referring to a "pool" of fellow members with whom you can arrange a swap when and how you choose.
There are no hidden costs - It is very simple and hassle free to use.

Joining Conditions/Requirements:

1. You need to have a workable web site ( or alternative) with contact details for us to verify the authenticity of your establishment. If you do not have this then please DO NOT register. Your web site or alternative must have a DIRECT link into your home page (there must be no searching for a link, or via other sites)
If you do not have an official web site we offer an acceptable alternative. You need to contact us if interested in this option BEFORE you register, click on the "contact us" in the Navbar above.

2. We do not accept applications to join if it is just a room in the house sharing facilities with the owners. The establishment has to be a dedicated area that is run full time in accordance with recognized hospitality standards.

3. In order to join you need to be computer literate. If you do not know how to find your way around a web site or are incapable of filling out forms accurately, please do not apply. Our staff cannot waste time teaching people how to use a computer.

Now click on the link below to learn all about how the system works.
How it Works
Office: situated in Langebaan - Western Cape
Email: Web Master
Tel No: 065 684 0186